
The services we provide are bound by the terms of the statutory Code of Conduct for Property Factors. Click here to view a copy of our Statement of Factoring Services. The Association is registered with the Scottish Property Factor Register –Property Factor ID - PF000139.

Services provided

The services we provide can include the following:-

  • Property Condition inspections

  • Arranging insurance

  • Ground maintenance – grass cutting and maintenance of shrubs and trees

  • Communal cleaning in flatted developments

  • Common repairs and maintenance

  • Servicing and monitoring firefighting equipment

If you would like further information on our Factoring, please telephone us on 01478 612035
or fill in an online form.


Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association

Morrison House
Isle of Skye
IV51 9EW

Telephone: 01478 612035

Opening Hours

9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday

Please click here for a list of departmental email contacts providing details of our key service departments and the services they provide, enabling you to directly email the specific team you require, with any queries you may have.

For any general enquiries, please use our: Contact Form