The Housing Association was set up in 1983 as an independent non-profit making housing organisation to develop, manage and maintain housing for rent.
Since then there has been a tremendous growth in the size and the geographical spread of the Association's own housing stock and we have considerably extended the range of housing solutions we provide to meet the needs of a wide range of clients.
As the Association has evolved, we have adopted new and innovative approaches to meeting our objectives and we are totally committed to working in partnership with individuals, groups and organisations for the benefit of all concerned. We are also committed to regularly reviewing our operations to ensure that we are delivering services which are responsive to the needs of our customers and which provide value for money.
We recognise the important role that our organisation can play in contributing towards the regeneration of communities and we strive to participate in activities which enable social inclusion and make a positive contribution to the social, economic and cultural well being of the whole community.
The Association is registered with the Scottish Landlord Register reference number 344414/270/1835 in respect of the HMO licences it has been granted.