Highland Housing partners

albynAlbyn Housing Society
98-100 High Street, Invergordon, Ross-shire IV18 0DL
Tel: 01349 852978
Fax: 01349 853859
68 MacLennan Crescent, Inverness IV3 8DN
Tel: 01463 712516
Fax: 01463 242590

website: www.albynhousing.org.uk

cairnCairn Housing Association Ltd
Cairn House, 30 Waterloo Place, Inverness IV1 1NB
Tel: 0800 9903405
Fax: 01463 229470

website: www.cairnha.com

lochaberLochaber Housing Association
30 Fassifern Road, Fort William PH33 6XQTel:01397 702530
Fax: 01397 704141

website: www.lochaberhousing.org.uk

PentlandPentland Housing Association Ltd
37—39 Traill Street, Thurso KW14 8EG
Tel: 01847 892507



Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association

Morrison House
Isle of Skye
IV51 9EW

Telephone: 01478 612035

Opening Hours

9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday

Please click here for a list of departmental email contacts providing details of our key service departments and the services they provide, enabling you to directly email the specific team you require, with any queries you may have.

For any general enquiries, please use our: Contact Form